How to enter an SGTools-protected giveaway

Many giveaways on SteamGifts, specifically in the forum, now use SGTools ( as a filter / gate to protect the giveaway. The filter rules can be very simple (e.g. prevent people who didn't activate all their wins from entering), or complex, targeting contributors who gave a certain type or amount of giveaways. Below are the steps to enter such giveaways. Note that once you're logged into, entry is a matter of a few clicks (see step #5 onward).

  1. Click the giveaway link. For example this one.

  2. If you see a page with "Giveaway details" at the top and a picture of a game it means you're already logged into via Steam and can simply skip to step #5.

  3. If you don't see the giveaway it means you're not logged into In this case you will see a Steam page titled "Sign into using your Steam account". There can be two variants of this screen:

    1. If you are not logged into Steam, you'll see a screen similar to this:

      Log into Steam

      Type your Steam username and password. Make sure that you are logging into Steam and not to any other website. You can verify this by checking that "Valve Corp. (US)" and a lock icon appear to the left of your browser address bar. Move on to step #4.


    2. If you are already logged into Steam, you'll see a screen similar to this (with your username of course):

      Already logged into Steam

      Just click Sign In.

  4. Go back to step #1 and click the giveaway link again. You should now see the giveaway page. It would look similar to this:

    Example giveaway

  5. Click the button Check Requirements at the bottom of the page.

  6. If you pass the check, this button will be replaced by a new one: Get giveaway link

  7. To get a link to the giveaway, click this button. It will be replaced by the actual link to the giveaway on SteamGifts. In this example you'll see:

    Note: If you're only curious to see if you passed the check and are not interested in the game, it would be nice of you to quit here. The reason is that some giveaways are limited to a certain number of link given, and it's best not to waste a slot and prevent others from entering.

  8. Click this link and proceed like you would with any other giveaway.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure not to give the direct link of the giveaway to anyone, as this is against the rules of SteamGifts (same as leaking the result of a puzzle) and will get you suspended.

Good luck!